Monday 8 October 2012


I've been sooo busy lately and I haven't had any time to post some photos, but don't worry I didn't forget about you :)
Many things have been going one recently, I mean I'm in new school with my new friends (actually they're not new anymore, it's been like over a month) and I can't describe to you how happy I am at the moment, and the main reason why is that it's because I dyed my hair!!!
Actually, I didn't. I put some henna mixed with green tea, held it on my hair for like 2 hours (you can watch a movie in the meantime) and then washed it out. It doesn't do any damage for hair and it's very good for it, and, depending on how light your natural color is, turns out kinda copper-gold red, and it's very unusual but it looks natural. My friends say it fits me well so what can I do but agree :)
Today's outfit photos didn't turn out very well but I would say they're acceptable. B and I were coming home from school and we were very tired, so just ignore the flash and my vampire-white face and enjoy my new leather jacket which I bough yesterday in Fratteli. 

My kitty Mouchoue :3

Kisses from B and me :*

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